Humans are morally responsible, which requires that they be free.ģ.4.
The Bible never says that humans are free in the sense that they are autonomously able to make decisions that are not caused by anything.ģ.3. We Are Able to Believe: Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871–1952)ģ.1. We Are Not Depraved by Nature: Charles Grandison Finney (1792–1875)Ģ.9. We Are Inclined to Sin: Jonathan Edwards (1703–58)Ģ.8. We Are Free to Believe: James Arminius (1560–1609)Ģ.7.

We Are Voluntary Slaves: John Calvin (1509–64)Ģ.6. We Are in Bondage to Sin: Martin Luther (1483–1546)Ģ.5. We Are Capable of Cooperating: Semi-Pelagians (John Cassian, c. We Are Incapable of Obedience: Augustine (354–430)Ģ.3.

We Are Capable of Obedience: Pelagius (c. I added the dates for each person in parentheses.Ģ.1. Sproul, Willing to Believe: The Controversy over Free Will (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1997). The nine headings in this section reproduce the chapter titles in R. What have noteworthy theologians thought about “free will”? Constraining and Non-Constraining Causesġ.5. What are some challenges with studying “free will”? 1. Here’s the basic outline (the handout is more detailed): Introduction